+7 499 753 16 63
LLC "IMPEXTRADE-MO" field of activity are: purchase, processing and realisation of a steel scrap and nonferrous metals. The company carries out round-the-clock shipment at own expense of scrap metal by the transport and loading technics. LLC "IMPEXTRADE-MO" makes dismantle of buildings and constructions, recycling of vehicles.
The company co-operates with legal and physical persons.
LLC "IMPEXTRADE-MO" field of activity are: purchase, processing and realisation of a steel scrap and nonferrous metals. The company carries out round-the-clock shipment at own expense of scrap metal by the transport and loading technics. LLC "IMPEXTRADE-MO" makes dismantle of buildings and constructions, recycling of vehicles. 
The company co-operates with legal and physical persons. 
LLC "IMPEXTRADE-MO" field of activity are: purchase, processing and realisation of a steel scrap and nonferrous metals. The company carries out round-the-clock shipment at own expense of scrap metal by the transport and loading technics. LLC "IMPEXTRADE-MO" makes dismantle of buildings and constructions, recycling of vehicles. 
The company co-operates with legal and physical persons. 

Company management

General manager
Dmitriy Semin
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