+7 499 753 16 63
LLC "IMPEXTRADE-MO" field of activity are: purchase, processing and realisation of a steel scrap and nonferrous metals. The company carries out round-the-clock shipment at own expense of scrap metal by the transport and loading technics. LLC "IMPEXTRADE-MO" makes dismantle of buildings and constructions, recycling of vehicles.
The company co-operates with legal and physical persons.
LLC "IMPEXTRADE-MO" field of activity are: purchase, processing and realisation of a steel scrap and nonferrous metals. The company carries out round-the-clock shipment at own expense of scrap metal by the transport and loading technics. LLC "IMPEXTRADE-MO" makes dismantle of buildings and constructions, recycling of vehicles. 
The company co-operates with legal and physical persons. 
LLC "IMPEXTRADE-MO" field of activity are: purchase, processing and realisation of a steel scrap and nonferrous metals. The company carries out round-the-clock shipment at own expense of scrap metal by the transport and loading technics. LLC "IMPEXTRADE-MO" makes dismantle of buildings and constructions, recycling of vehicles. 
The company co-operates with legal and physical persons. 

Non-ferrous scrap

Прайс на цветной металл

Наименование Цена руб/кг
Алюминий электротехнический (провода) 48
Алюминий пищевой 47
Алюминий АД 31(профиль) 46
Алюминий моторный 37
Алюминий МИКС 39
Алюминиевая банка 29
Латунь МИКС 100
Латунные радиаторы 105 
Латунная стружка 85
Бронза МИКС 120
Бронза стружка 80
Нержавеющая сталь с содержанием 10% никеля 33
Нержавеющая сталь с содержанием 8% никеля 27
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